Thursday, November 2, 2017

DFTZ & Jack Ma 3 Nov - Stocks to Watch?

Here we go again~ Jack Ma is coming to Malaysia again!!! Since his last arrival in Malaysia on 22 March 2017, a few technology counters had been goreng-ed up. Rumours had been spreading around that Jack will be acquiring a Malaysia company for the purpose of DFTZ. But i am not sure how true are the rumours or is this really his intention.
Jack Ma's first visit to Malaysia on 22 March 2017[1]
Now, he is coming to Malaysia on 3 November 2017. And Digital Free Trade Zone (DFTZ) goes live!!!
Mari mari[2]
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Monday, October 30, 2017


纳斯达克指数(Nasdaq Composite)目前处于历史以来最高点!我们看看以下的日线图,纳斯达克指数在星期五(10月27日)直接调控高开,并且收市在6,701.26。再看看一年的走势,纳斯达克指数都处于上升趋势,并且在管道里安稳的一路向北~
从今年2017年直到最近,纳斯达克指数一共上升了惊人的22%!纳斯达克指数上升的理由有很多。照我个人的看法,整个世界的趋势正在电脑和科技化。我们有最流行的大数据时代(Big Data),人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),行业4.0 (Industry 4.0),金融科技(Fintech)等等。这些都离不开互联网和科技。这也难怪和科技有关的股也跟着这个趋势飙升。


Monday, September 4, 2017

KRONO - 大数据储存仓库


不只是网购公司,任何的大公司或小企业都在讲着大数据。从大大的酒店至小小的五金店,都是和大数据离不远。当我们有越来越多数据时,我们就需要越来越多的储存空间,一个大大的仓库来存放这些大数据。对了,今天要和大家分享的是大数据的储存仓库 - KRONO。最实际例子,偶尔我们要查回半年前的银行账目,银行都能够提供这些数据给我们,因为他们已经有大仓库来储存这些数据。如果他们没有这个设备,肯定被消费者投诉到够够力~

秉持着“数据就是生意”的口号,KRONO为客户提供企业数据管理(EDM - Enterprise Data Management),包括数据备用(backup), 数据储存(storage)数据恢复(recovery)的服务(Managed Services)。KRONO也提供安装和配置EDM的装备设施。这些装备通常是装在server room,二十四小时开着冷气的房间。Server Room里面是网际网络的设备,因为怕这些工具会过热,所以没有办法,一定要每时每刻开冷气。
在冷气房server room, EDM的装备[1]

储存数据有两个方法,那就是现场(on-site)储存场外(off site)储存现场储存就是用硬碟(hard disk),pendrive,DVD,CD等。场外储存最好的例子就比如说是云端(cloud)[2]。而且,这两种都是在KRONO的服务范围里。KRONO的服务是一年365天,24/7的技术支持。为什么我们需要现场储存和场外储存?原因是为了保护和恢复我们的数据。打一个比方,如果发生了病毒攻击,数据被骇客盗窃,数据被破坏,火灾,洪水,地震等等天灾;至少我们还有备用[3]。如果公司有了KRONO的企业数据管理,那么他们就不用愁了。

KRONO原是新加坡公司,但是在大马交易所上市。KRONO的旗下子公司可以分为两大类:分别为EDM装备设施数据管理。装备设施都是由Quantum Storage子公司负责;数据管理是由Kronicles子公司负责。值得一提的是,KRONO在去年10月4日成功用了RM26 Mil收购Quantum Storage India (QSI)其余的80%,这个是一个重要的里程碑[4]。目前,KRONO已经在马来西亚,泰国,新加坡,印尼,菲律宾和印度立足了。


Thursday, August 24, 2017


This will be a short write up about BIOHLDG. BIOHLDG appeared in my FB posts and also technical analysis in my blogs.
BIOHLDG appearing in my FB post dated 10 Aug 2017
BIOHLDG appeard in my blogspot on 3 May 2017 

BIOHLDG released its Q217 result on 23 August 2017. Revenue recorded increment of +10% yoy and +52% qoq while net profit recorded +77% yoy and +226% qoq.

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Thursday, August 10, 2017

How Retailers can Perform Analysis: Plastic Packaging and Commodity (Steel & Aluminium)

Even though we are merely retailers, we should be a knowledgable one. 

Who says that retailers are destined to lose money in the share market? Well, for me, i never believe in those myths... The more people agrees to the fact, the more eager i want to prove them wrong. In fact, i think that there are no right or wrong in the market, only INVESTMENT DECISIONS matter... And along the time, our investment decisions will be proven.

How do we make our investment decisions? Based on guts feeling? Based on rumours and speculations? Based on facts and figures? Based on research? Even though i m a retailer, but i am myself's fund manager. I manage my own fund and i invest based on facts and figures. Pareto Law says that, 20% are winning money while the 80% are losing money to those 20%. If we want to win in the stock market, we should stop becoming the 80% and turn into 20%. 

We often see the stock analysts' reports. Their reports are very detailed and some even have chances to visit the CEO or the chairman of the listed companies. They have all the sophisticated software or tool to calculate and compare the financial information. Their news are always the most up to date. But for us, as retailers, we only have the chances to meet the bosses in the AGM and pose them our burning questions. Whenever a news was released, the retailers are the always the last one to know, the stock had been speculated before and that is the only time retailers went in. Ended up, retailers lose money.

Here i would like to stress that retailers can also perform the stock analysis, as professional as those stock analysts. Do not be discouraged even though we are retailers. This should not stop our passion towards investing. Whatever the stock analysts can do, we can do it like them too, we can emulate their analysis method, thus reduce our investment risks. Now let me share my experience and analysis method on how retailers can perform analysis.

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Sunday, June 18, 2017

ARANK - Post Q3 2017 Result

ARANK first appeared in my blog on 30 March 2017. You can also click HERE to view my first post about ARANK. ARANK's A-RANKed Mission Impossible??? Well, i think its possible, because I M POSSIBLE~

1. Fundamental Analysis

Revenue and Net Profit for ARANK from malaysia stock biz [2]
ARANK announced the Q3 2017 result on 15 June 2017. Both revenue and net profit shown positive improvement in both qoq and yoy. Revenue increased  +4% qoq and +4% yoy respectively while net profit increased +4% qoq and +18% yoy respectively.

The increase in revenue is due to higher average selling price as a result of the increase in the raw material costs although the business volume was lower[3]. From this statement, i can see that the management is transferring the cost to the end user. The worrying factor will be the lower business volume, which might signifies flat growth or declining growth. However, the management highlighted 3 points in the prospects. First is the recovery in the commodity prices as external demand improves. Second is their business is affected by the weakening RM but our RM is getting stronger if compared to last quarter. Third is the volatility of aluminium has added uncertainties to their business. The point 1 and 2 are on ARANK's side. While for bullet point number 3, i will share my views based on data i collected in my Projection Analysis sector.

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Monday, June 12, 2017




Thursday, June 8, 2017


The most important Technical Analysis for me is the Price Volume Analysis. The Price Action needs to be supported or validated by Volume

Volume reveals activity. Volume reveals the truth behind the Price Action. Volume validates Price. If the price went up without Volume, hence, we need to be careful as the Price might not sustain. 

We try to identify the pattern of a few successful breakout examples. The similar patterns that i had identified as below: 
1. Notice the days with high volume.
2. Identify the closing zones of candles (Zone 1).
3. If the chart had been sideways, there might be chance.
4. Prefer to breakout the resistances with volume.

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Friday, May 12, 2017

散户可以如何进行市场调查 - OLDTOWN







Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Spike, Sleep, Spike Up Again with Volume - BIOHLDG, IWCITY, MMSV, SYSTECH, OCNCASH

Today, i would like to share some Technical Analysis logics. This post will be similar to the previous posts, I Came, I Test, I Conquer with VOLUME!!!

Lets look at the charts. Let's identify some similar patterns and hope we can apply what we discuss today in the similar charts. Do remember that, Technical Analysis is not 100%. The most important elements for Technical Analysis for me is the Price Action and the Volume

To recap the important points, Price Action is the most important because the delta/difference is the one determines whether we are earning or losing. The Price Action needs to be supported or validated by the Volume. Volume reveals activity. Volume reveals the truth behind the Price Action. Volume validates Price


BIOHLDG Daily Chart
Notice the spikes which i draw with a blue spheres. The spikes in the price are validated by the spikes in the volume. The price action is aligned with the volume. And notice after that, the volumes are low and the price is hovering around that area. Those who created the spikes are normally not retailers, they can be market makers, fund houses or institutional investors. In short, i will call them "they". Once they spiked up the price and volume, they will wait. Wait for a few days or weeks to wash the impatient retailers away before creating another spike.

Then, those retailers who sold the stocks will regret because they sold it too early. This phenomena is very normal for them to wash away the retailers. Question, how do we know that they are still in these counters? Well, if they had sold all their shares, we will see a similar spike of volume but the price will be falling down, creating a bearish engulfing. But what i discuss here might not be true, maybe some of them will sell partially day by day. We can never know what they are thinking, because we are not them

Understand the example given? It's okay. Now, lets look at other examples.

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Monday, May 1, 2017





Monday, April 24, 2017

Learn, Invest, GAIN - Gainvestor

We invest with a dream...

Either to be financially free, to race against the rising inflation and cost of living, to increase our cash reserves for future, for our family or loved ones, for own satisfaction... No matter what are our reasons, i believe we must have be cautious and conscious of our decisions and what impacts will our actions be. Always anticipate the worst and have a plan B for every strategy. Invest with a purpose or reason, carry out the reason with a proper strategy, be resilient in finding the best-fit-strategy that can maximise the profit, repeat the strategy over and over again and constantly be reminded of the reason we invest.

I invest based on the popular-known techniques Fundamental Analysis (FA) and Technical Analysis (TA) and with my own Projection Analysis (PA). The company must be making steady profits or steady growth. We invest on the company's future, alongside with its theme. It is normal for us to invest in a good FA company because of its steady financial performance. But, to reach out our knowledge, we should put our eyesight in investing in a company because of its future and potential business prospect. The fundamentals provide us a cushion that the company had done good job in the past, but does not necessarily meant that they will uphold their good business.

I always mentioned in my blog about research (审查), foresight (眼光) and faith (信念). Thats what i have practiced before i bought in a stock. Of course, sometimes i let my greed and fear take over. Well, i am also a human. Human make mistakes, but most importantly is we learnt from mistake and do not repeat it again in our next strategy. Well, its easier said than done. Haha, i know. I allow myself for some room of errors so that there is room for improvements =P

Today, i am going share about the story of a puppy named OCNCASH. OCNCASH is one of my (30 cents penny stock) 三仙股 in 2015. After 2 years, OCNCASH finally break a new high and now maybe in the edge of breaking new high. And how actually the FA, TA and PA can come into our investment strategy.

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Sunday, April 2, 2017


March had been a very good month for our FBMKLCI. Why do i say this? In March 2017, we have a lot of big political events happening in Malaysia. Let me try to recap it. There are basically 3 big political events happening in March 2017.

On 1 March 2017,  Saudi Aramco signed an agreement with Malaysia's national oil company, PETRONAS.[1]  The related Oil and Gas counters are SENERGY, DIALOG.
Saudi Aramco signed an agreement with PETRONAS on participation in RAPID on 1 March 2017

On 22 March 2017, E-commerce giant Alibaba Group is setting up a trade and logistics hub in Malaysia's new Digital Free Trade Zone (DFTZ).[2][3][4] Jack Ma visioned to build an Electronic World Trade Platform (eWTP) - a more inclusive, free and innovative global trading platform for SMEs, the young and consumers. Jack also praised Malaysia is a business-friendly and much more efficient than he thought. The hub, expected to be launched end-2019, "will function as a centralized customs clearance, warehousing and fulfilment facility for Malaysia and the region, to deliver faster clearance for imports and exports," Alibaba said in a statement. 

The related logistics counters are, GDEX, ILB, TNLOGIS, NATWIDE, FREIGHT, COMPLET, MAHB, POS. The related software counters are EFFICEN, MPAY, SEDANIA, REV, SYSTECH, CUSCAPI, DATAPRP.
Malaysia PM and Alibaba Jack Ma in DFTZ on 22 March 2017
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SALUTE - Follow Up on Main Market

SALUTE had completed the story of transfer, from ACE Market to Main Market on 24 March 2017. Let's just do a quick wrap up on SALUTE.

SALUTE - Daily Chart
The vertical line in the chart indicates the day of proposed to be transferred to MAIN Market (30 September 2016) till the day SALUTE really transferred to MAIN Market (24 March 2017)[1][2]. Recently a lot of profit taking had happened to SALUTE. Guess, it need some time to chill down.

Snapshot from Bursa Announcement [2]

Duration for MAIN Market Transfer: 175 days equivalent to around 6 months
Closing Price to Closing Price: 1.37 to 1.7 (+24%)
Highest Possible Difference: 1.36 to 1.88 (+38%)

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Thursday, March 30, 2017

ARANK's A-RANKed Mission

ARANK company in Selangor

ARANK through his 100% owned subsidiary, Formosa Shyen Horng Metal SB, is principally involved in the manufacturing and marketing of aluminium billets which is the core business of the group. In 1998, Formosa had an installed capacity of 12,000 metric tonnes per annum of aluminium, now, as written in the latest Annual Report 2016, currently, the installed capacity had grown to 120,000 metric tonnes per annum. Being the largest manufacturer and supplier of aluminium billets, and one of the leading of suppliers of aluminium extrusion billets in Asia, the growth for ARANK in  19 years is 900%. From here, we can see that the demand of aluminium had skyrocketed in the past 20 years, and ARANK had been there, feeding and supplying the skyrocketing demand of aluminium in the industry.

But first, we need to understand how aluminium is produced. We can take a look at this youtube video[2]. To make it short, the raw material of aluminium is bauxite. Bayer process is a process to refine bauxite to produce alumina (aluminium oxide). There are only 30% - 54% of alumina in the bauxite[3]. And aluminium is extracted from the alumina by electrolysis, separating aluminium metal in the negative electrode and sink to the bottom of the tank, while oxygen at the positive electrode[4]. All of these processes involved massive machineries and facilities.

The center bottom, aluminium extrusions; the right is the aluminium billets. (Diameter ranging from 3 inches to 11 inches and longest length up to 6 meters)
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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

FBMKLCI - No Sign of Turning Back

Our FBMKLCI showed no sign of turning back, not even a short glimpse~ Today (20 March 2017) is our FBMKLCI's 3rd day's bullishing up day. And the volume just could not stop getting higher and higher. 

FBMKLCI Daily Chart
After the agreement between PETRONAS and Saudi Aramco on 1 March 2017, foreign funds had been actively buying in, which we can observe through the statistics below:
Market Participation[1]

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Thursday, March 9, 2017


昨天(8 March 2017),MIKROMB宣布了股息消息。

我们看看,公司宣布即将颁发6仙股息给所有的股东。6 仙就是0.06。如果是普通人,看到了6仙,眼睛就会立刻亮起来。我也是一样。但是想想一下,好象很不逻辑。还好我的股友(Ninjames)也有提起这个现象。


我们来用数学解释一下。MIKROMB的总数量有306.79 Mil.
0.06 x 306,790,000 shares = RM18,407,400 = RM18 Mil

MIKROMB 需要掏出RM18 Mil来颁发股息给股东。


那么Dividend Yield就有12%,看到这里当然就完全不逻辑了。


Bull Market Back Backed by Foreign Funds?

On 1st March, Saudi Aramco signed an agreement with Malaysia's national oil company, PETRONAS. The deal will allow Aramco's to have equal ownership in selected ventures and assets of the RAPID project within the Pengerang Integrated Complex (PIC)[1]. The RAPID project includes a refinery with the capacity to churn out 300,000 barrels of oil a day, a cracker plant and a petrochemical complex with an annual production capacity of 7.7 million metric tons. The refinery begins operation in 2019.
Saudi Aramco signed an agreement with PETRONAS on participation in RAPID

The partnership marks the beginning of a strategic relationship providing RAPID with high-impact strengths from both Saudi Aramco and Petronas. “On the occasion of the historic state visit to Malaysia by King Salman, Saudi Aramco is proud to be entering into a deeper partnership with our world class partner Petronas via the RAPID project,” Aramco’s president Nasser said. “Together with Malaysia, the Southeast Asia region offers tremendous growth opportunities and today’s agreement further strengthens Saudi Aramco’s position as the leading supplier of petroleum feedstock to Malaysia and Southeast Asia.[1]

After since, our index had been quite bullish. Notice of the support at 1690.93? The chart bounced off the support on the 1 March 2017 and after that, it continued its uptrend. We can also draw an uptrend channel after the V-shape rebound in the beginning of 2017. To add some spice to that, SMA50 had crossed over SMA200, which confirms that the bull is back~
FBMKLCI Daily Chart
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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

YEELEE - Post Q4 2016 Red Bull Drinking Ribena

Today is the last day of February 2017. 2 months had passed and there is another 10 more months to to~ Our FBMKLCI had been in a rough roller coaster. All of my counters had released the QRs. Therefore it's a busy day to read... read... and... read.... I had been tracking YEELEE since 15 August 2016:

Let's dig in~

1. Fundamental Analysis

Revenue and Net Profit in Malaysia Stockbiz[1]
YEELEE announced their Q4 2016 result. Both revenue and net profit shown positive improvement in qoq and yoy. Revenue increased +18% qoq and +23% yoy respectively while net profit increased +9% qoq and +9% yoy respectively. If you notice from the snapshot above, this Q4 2016 shown the highest revenue and net profit during the displayed 3 years[1]. For me, YEELEE is still a growing counter. For the whole year, FY2016's revenue improved +32%, while net profit increased +39% when compared with FY2015. The net profit margin also improved to 4.2%

YEELEE 5 Years Revenue and Net Profit [1]
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Friday, February 24, 2017

OCNCASH - Post Q4 2016 Main Board Transfer?

OCNCASH - OCEAN full of CASH~ such an elegant name... I still remember i first written about OCNCASH in 24 September 2015. OCNCASH is my first stock-pick for my blog. At that time, the price is around 0.345, after 1.5 years, the price is now 0.435, a 26% in 1.5 years, which is seemed a quite fair result. Along the way, i kept track of its result. You can take a look at my previous post below:

Now let's dig in straight at the Q4 2016.

1. Fundamental Analysis

Revenue and Net Profit in Malaysia Stockbiz[1]

OCNCASH announced their Q4 2016 result. Both revenue and net profit shown positive improvement in qoq and yoy. Revenue increased +13% qoq and +32% yoy respectively while net profit increased +4% qoq and +75% yoy respectively. If you notice from the snapshot above, this Q4 2016 shown the highest revenue and net profit during the displayed 3 years[1]. For me, this is definitely a growth stock. For the whole year, FY2016's revenue improved +5%, while net profit increased +14% when compared with FY2015. All in all, FY 2016 is a good year for OCNCASH.

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Thursday, February 23, 2017

I Came, I Test, I Conquer with VOLUME!!!

This post is going to be about Technical Analysis
Technical Analysis

Why should we see the chart? A chart should not be too complicated. For me, the most precious information from the chart will be the Volume and Price Action Analysis. [1]

Price Action is the most important as the delta/difference is the one determines whether we are earning or losing. The Price Action needs to be supported or validated by the Volume.
Volume reveals activity. Volume reveals the truth behind the Price ActionVolume validates Price. 

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Monday, February 20, 2017

SALUTE - Post Q2 2017 Result

Stand Up and SALUTE!!! You can click HERE to view my post on SALUTE. Today, SALUTE closed all time high at 1.62. February is a peak month full of Quarter Reports~ Now, lets take a look at SALUTE's QR.

1. Fundamental Analysis:

SALUTE Q2 2017 Result [2]
SALUTE announced their Q2 2017 result. Both revenue and net profit reported double digit growth in qoq and yoy[2]. Revenue increased 24% qoq and 34% yoy respectively while net profit increased 27% qoq and 92% yoy respectively. The main reason due to the higher revenue and net profit is due to:
1. Higher Year End Sales and the major contributor of Bluetooth headsets
2. Better absorption of fixed costs arising from the higher volume of production
3. Evaluation and testing cost of new products have tapered down due to stable mass production cycle.

I had studied into the geographical segments of SALUTE sales. North US (80%) still remain the top export countries for SALUTE's products, followed by Europe (10%) and Asia (9%). By just adding up the percentage, foreign exports had already covered more than 99% sales. Meaning to say, SALUTE is in favour to USD strengthening.

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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Summary of January 2017

Our FBMKLCI had been in raging mode since the first day of 2017, opening at 1,636.94 and continue to move upwards like there is no tomorrow. Maybe the year of rooster really fly off~ Lets take a look at our FBMKLCI daily chart.
FBMKLCI Daily Chart
After a V-shape rebound, our index had been in an uptrend mode. Till now, it had surged up around 4%. Notice i had 2 simple moving averages? SMA50 and SMA200. Our market had broken the sideway pattern and seems there's a small bull run. And not to mention our FBMACE Daily Chart as well.

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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Here in My Home - Sibu, Sarawak part 2

Alright, to continue what we left behind, we gonna proceed to the list number 5.

And to recap what we had discussed in the Here in My Home - Sibu, Sarawak part 1. There are 9 Sibu companies listed in our FBMKLCI. In the last post, we mentioned about 4 companies, namely, RSAWIT, JTIASA, SUBUR and MEDIAC. So this post is to finish the remaining other 5 companies.

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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Here in My Home - Sibu, Sarawak part 1

Meet Bubu in Visit Sibu Year 2017
2017 is a Visit Sibu Year. The mascot for Visit Sibu Year 2017 is a crocodile named BUBU. BUBU actually stands for "Bujang, Sibu". The word, Bujang means warrior in Iban language. What's so special about my hometown? 

Well, there's plenty of affordable foods (very cheap). Imagine, you can get a kampua mee (or known as mee kicap) for RM2.50. If you're here in Sibu and you do not know where to eat??? Kamon.... There's a lot of cheap and delicious food~ Or you can visit HERE[1] for more food recommendations in Sibu. There's also a lot of interesting places in Sibu. And plenty of events in Sibu in conjunction with the Visit Sibu Year. Click HERE[2] for the calendar and events.

Alright, enough about my hometown~ Haha. But, honestly speaking, you should plan a 3 days 2 nights in Sibu. A short and simple one will do. Sibu, Heartland of Borneo.

During my CNY period, i actually roamed around Sibu snapping photos of the listed companies from Sibu. In my list, there are 9 companies from Sibu listed in our FBMKLCI. Hence, in conjunction with Visit Sibu Year 2017, i will also brief through the FA and TA of the companies. The sequence below are not in order, and of course these are not BUY call too.

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Monday, January 30, 2017




1. 现在越来越多人都知道“投资”这玩意儿
2. 很多人知道你有研究股票后,就会问你对现在市场的看法,美国的政治,马币和油价的波动,当然也没忘了讨tips~
3. 虽然大部分人都知道“投资”这玩意儿,但是大家都怕输钱,因而“投资”只是纸上谈兵的话题。




股票真的和我们现在的生活息息相关。如果我们多留意一下,我们身边都充满者机会!机会不是被等出来的,机会是自己创造的~ 在这里,我想再次诚恳的邀请各位诗巫的朋友们来听我这个土生土长的小弟来分享股票投资的知识,尤其是对股票有兴趣的或者是投资的新手,这个就是你们充实自己的一个活动了。


日期:3-2-2017 (星期五)
时间:6.30pm - 9.00pm



如果大家想多学习关于股票的知识,也可以报名我的投资课程Level 1。详情如下:

日期:11-2-2017 (星期六)
地点:Level 2, No. 44 Chengal Road (K.Y. Tiong Trading Co.)
语言:华语 + 英语(教材)
费用:RM168 (只限8人/包括午餐和茶点)


Whatsapp: 016-246 7867
FB Page: Gainvestor






Wednesday, January 18, 2017



